Dropelle Itelle replied

553 weeks ago

<Forged Seals> Australian Based Free-Company

Who should join us?

- Players between GMT+8 and GMT+12.

- Players aged 18+

- Players who can speak English.

- Casual / Midcore / Hardcore players. Everyone finds his place in <Forge>

Why should you join us?

- We are one (if not THE) friendliest English-speaking Free-Company on the server.

- We play and help each other, so you will never be put apart, and you will see a real progression on your character.

- We do not require you to log-in at specific hours, enjoy the game at your own pace.

- We offer our members the possibility to experience and enjoy all the content in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.

- We have our dedicated Ventrilo server, so you can jump in and have a chat with our other members.

How can you join us?

- You can contact me directly in-game: Dropelle Itelle

- You can apply on our dedicated website: http://forgedseals.com/page/511244/recruitment

Recruitment Status for The Binding Coil of Bahamut

Paladin: Medium

Monk: Medium

Warrior: Low

Dragoon: Low

Bard: High

White Mage: High

Black Mage: High

Summoner: High

Scholar: High

Look forward to hearing from you and I hope to see you all in game!


Dropelle Itelle

last edited 546 weeks ago by Dropelle Itelle

Toko Elmeow replied

553 weeks ago

Hi Dropelle,

With the free server transfers confirmed for the 15th, a few of us (4-5) are going to be transferring to Tonberry from Fenrir, with an eye for a fun progressive FC.

Just out of curiosity would you have room for the following:

50 - DRG/BRD
50 - BRD
50 - WHM

As transfers are not open as of yet, just wanted to get an indication if you were able to able to take all of us in on this post. Cheers :)

-Toko El'Meow

Dropelle Itelle replied

551 weeks ago

This post has now been updated on 23/10/2013

Dropelle Itelle replied

550 weeks ago

Updated 31/10/13

Dropelle Itelle replied

546 weeks ago

Updated on the 1/12/2013
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