My character's name is L'yhan Nunh, currently on Aegis (Legacy) server. Hello!
I am signing up to this boards, considering changing servers and looking for people to just chat with or a casual LS. :)
Whilst I'd like to do more end game, I am currently playing on PS3, and am suffering from bad latency in some instances, which makes me too scared to even attempt HM Titan for the first time, hehe. I play WHM, so I have a fear of letting everyone down!~
So, I have been a bit of a loner, working on solo activities such as DoL, DoH and general exping. Maybe when the PS4 and appropriate version come out, it will be easier to play end-game :)
I really enjoy FFXIV, and probably spend too much time playing. I have a love of the story, and look forward to exploring new parts of Hydaelyn - I have been posting about the wider world of Hydaelyn on the official forums, if you read the lore section.
Anyways, I shall have a snoop and post in more appropriate parts of these forums.
Yhan replied
572 weeks ago