Dub Default replied

571 weeks ago

Physical Location: New Zealand
Internet Service Provider: Vodafone WSI
Average Ping (NA/EU): 320ms ( )
Average Ping (JP): 190ms ( )

Pretty obvious which one is better for me :D

Ser Kit Default replied

571 weeks ago

Physical Location:Melbourne
Internet Service Provider: Iinet
Average Ping (NA/EU): 258ms
Average Ping (JP): 135ms

Kairi Sgheart Default replied

571 weeks ago

Phase 3 going be a time i do mass testing on the servers hoping latency don't go so high or cause much issues. since i have 1 char on JP server and 1 on NA server at phase 3, will test out hlevel 50 content and let u all know. both my chars are 50s :X.

But if latency affect it to the point whrere our gameplay on NA server be bad, i be sad. cause most english speaking peeps are there. :P

Huri Default replied

570 weeks ago

Deleted 570 weeks ago by Lanzce Seirra

Meeha Default replied

570 weeks ago

jp server 192ms
na server 10msHuri

where from and what IP?
Sound like you're right next to the server in Montreal

Lanzce Seirra Admin replied

570 weeks ago

… all people who are not from Oceania/SEA post will be deleted. Sorry.

Lizam replied

569 weeks ago

Physical Location:Melbourne
Internet Service Provider: TPG (although I'll be switching to Internode sometime soon)
Average Ping (NA/EU): 350ms
Average Ping (JP): 190ms

I might have to switch my Legacy character to Masamune >.<
I hate lag with a passion :(

Kairi Sgheart Default replied

569 weeks ago

I have tested in game intensely the past 2 phase 3 beta weekend. both on enw character and then on level 50s. The best option for oceanic i think would be jp server especially if in southeast asia region. I did 15+ ifrit fight in balmung (NA) can't even dodge it special :X. even though i was at the edge and ran off it. it still explode and hit me :D.

So me and the entire mercury shell of aegis is going move to Masamune, we have a mix of NA and asian players and after testing find jp be the best option for it.

Damien Ramirez Default replied

569 weeks ago

Even tho I agree with you, Balmung's actuly been good so far, better than Goblin. (both N/A)
No probliems with Ifrit or many others.

So on my seventh run today it turns to latency HELL on balmung.
just submitted my application to transfer to jp server

last edited 569 weeks ago by Damien Ramirez

Catapult Default replied

569 weeks ago

Attention Australians:

In Australia, there is really only one provider of landline internet services: Telstra. Telstra owns the backbones underlying the country and the web of copper leading to your homes. (In the future, this will become NBN Co.) Unlike in the United States, there are no other ADSL network owners.

All the other ISPs are piggybacking off Telstra in some form or other. In some cases, your ISP is simply retailing services. In others, they are renting space at the exchange to rout the traffic flow to the international boundary.

Any differences in ping between Australian ISPs is purely a function of the traffic routing inside Australia by whoever is controlling your line at your local Telephone exchange. (Your choice of provider will usually have no impact on your speed.)

"So what provider are you really with?"

Visit www.adsl2exchanges.com.au and look up your address in the search bar on the left hand side of the screen.
You will then be shown a map with the coverage area of you Telephone exchange highlighted. It will also give you an estimate of your distance away from it and what ADSL speeds you can expect as a consequence.

Scroll down and you will see a list of ISPs. If your provider is listed, they are actually routing your traffic. If they are not listed, then there is a 99% chance that Optus is routing your traffic. If Optus is not listed either, Telstra is routing your traffic (sucks 2 B U).

If the "Status" of your provider (or presumed provider) is listed as "Limited or no ports" then there is a higher-than-average chance you will experience above-average levels of congestion during peak periods, because the ISP is having trouble fitting all its customers in its system.

Here is an example:

In this case, I am an iPrimus customer. iPrimus is not listed, which means they are piggy-backing off Optus. Optus has limited port availability, suggesting a full infrastructure, so I may want to consider changing ISP to TPG, iinet or Internode (we avoid Telstra where possible). I'll be doing this when my current contract comes to a close in October.

Use this information to your advantage when considering selecting or changing an ISP based on local infrastructure performance.
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